Are You Really Prepared...Let's Eat
Everyone knows you must have water, food and Air to survive. But HOW? when there is nothing in the grocery store. Or when the grocery...
Odin Works Adjustable Gas Block
Okay, it’s time for a completely unsolicited review. I’ve written about Odin Works handguards before. Now it’s time for something else...
Are You Really Prepared...Keep It Simple
So, you've got food and you've got water. What's next? A lot of stuff to think about right? That is why I am going to do this in...
Just Get Home
You’re at work late in your office in downtown Dallas. That’s the curse of overtime but the boss will have your hide if you don’t finish...
Compliance is Possible
Sometimes you just need something pointy and stabby. I should leave it right there. Drop the mic and move on. Of course, we need...
Are You Really Prepared: Water From Mother Earth
Many of us turn the water on and expect it to be there. If you are in the city, It should be. If you are in the country it is probably...
Water...Prepare It
Being prepared for the worst is hard to do, especially on a budget. One of the hardest things to prepare is water. You can keep cases of...
Follow The Leader
Some products speak for themselves. Tables, chairs, even shotguns. Then you have something show up on your doorstep like the Home Front...