Are You Really Prepared: Water From Mother Earth
Many of us turn the water on and expect it to be there. If you are in the city, It should be. If you are in the country it is probably from a well. But what if that water is contaminated. Recently in West Virginia, there has been some bad flooding. Town's Destroyed. Yes, Destroyed. Those that live a little higher in the mountains may be relying on well water. That too could be contaminated due to the flow of the flood water. So How do you deal with this? You should have some sort of water storage, covered in the last installment. However what if that washed down river along with your car. Yes, floods have displaced a lot of large heavy objects including entire homes. There is a solution.

Rainwater: Rain can be your complete undoing or it can be your friend. With a few simple items, you can during a time of need utilize this to help you and your family get through. We are going to cover a few options to help. First is rainwater collection. For the most part, you can use almost any container, and some sort of home-made funnel to help you get rainwater into that container. Did you know the average roof collects 600 gallons (2,271.2 L) of water for every inch of rainfall? That means for every small amount of rainfall you could collect a lot of water to take care of your family. You could very easily find a large clean container and put cut your downspout from your gutters and funnel that into that container. You do want to find a way to filter that water. A couple of coffee filters and a screen such as a window screen will do the trick. Or a towel over a screen. This will work in a short-term quick solution If it is still raining. There is a recommended way if you managed to save your 55-gallon water drums. This works, The hose up top is the overflow or transfer and the cut and install 2 spigots and you have a solution. What if it's not raining anymore. Not likely but ok. Here we go. Ground water extraction: Take a gallon water jug or larger if you have it.Now Cut the top off, Dig a hole big enough to fit it into all the way up to the edge. Get a piece of clear plastic or cling wrap will work. Now Secure the outer diameter with rocks and put one in the middle where the container is.

This does work, not fast, but enough to keep you alive till you can get some water. There are multiple ways to get water, Make sure to purify it, Streams can be collected, but purify it and filter it. Just make sure to keep the contaminants out of it. That will keep the water in you instead of getting Montezuma's revenge. In your spare time try a couple of different methods out. This will keep you in water which will keep you and your family alive. There you have it Straight from the gunsmith's mouth.