Dirty Bore Gun Cleaner

Cleaners...they’re a must have but what do we use? Many stick to the “old standby’s”. I’ve heard a lot of, “they issued it to me in the Army so it’s good enough now”. I try really hard not to laugh at those statements. I know the CLP’s of the world and think they all suck. Yes, I’ve tried a few and they just don’t clean very well...and if you think about it...if it cleans dirt and oil...how is it supposed to properly lubricate anything? I was introduced to Dirty Bore Gun Cleaner because of the article I wrote on bio-based cleaners/lubricants. Their president is actually one of my LinkedIn contacts. He agreed, mostly, with my article but wanted to show me what a bio-based cleaner that can still chemically clean can do. I was more than happy to take him up on the offer. I have only done one test, so far, but had to write some about it. Here are my initial thoughts. Smell: Not going to clear your sinuses or make you dizzy. Fumes are minimal at best so you aren’t going to chase your wife away with it...I’ll leave you to do your own odoriferous chasing if need be. Performance: Actually decent. I’ll describe the test below. So, believe it or not, the best test isn’t always on the dirtiest thing you can find. I tested it on my 1911 barrel and slide. This is something that had seen a few test fire shots since it’s last tweaking but should have been otherwise clean. So, how does this work on something already fairly clean? I started by putting some on a new brass brush and scrubbing the bore. Then
followed it with a patch, damp with Dirty Bore. I was shocked at how much dirt came out of my bore. It only took three patches to have it come out clean. I followed that with more scrubbing with the brush. Still more junk came out. At this point I figured, sure...the brush is dirty. So, I sprayed it off with Tetra Gun’s Action Blaster (exceptional spray cleaner by the way) until I was confident the brush wasn’t throwing off the test. I went back to work with the brush...more black junk to follow. Looking down the bore I can honestly say that I’ve never seen it shine brighter and yet I was still getting stuff out of it. Dirty Bore was actually pulling years old dirt out of the pores of the metal. I actually ran out of time before running out of junk to clean. I am fairly impressed so far. Especially being something that isn’t full of ammonia and killing my sinuses. I’ve never been a fan of Bio-Based cleaners because they’ve never been done to my standards. Dirty Bore, however, is impressing me. Enough so that I am starting to wish that I had a soak tank full of the stuff. Paul and I both will be testing it more so stay tuned for more about Dirty Bore Gun Cleaner.