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Hiperfire Revolution

Okay, so you think that there are enough AR-15 triggers out there to fill any need. Maybe that’s true. Maybe not. Even if you haven’t been able to tell I assure you that the differences between trigger manufacturers are huge. Some take great care in the fit and finish in their products. Some don’t. Some plate their triggers to cover up imperfections while others just produce a good product. But this is a whole topic in and of itself. If you haven't already heard of them let me introduce you to Hiperfire. I first learned about them through a friend. Since then I've had two of their triggers for evaluation (one of which is going in my personal hunting rifle) and put several in customer rifles. At first glance, they look a little funky. And what the heck are those added springs for? Well, therein lies the secret to the Hiperfire system. Let’s take a look at their triggers. The EDT (Enhanced Duty Trigger) is much like you're used to seeing. It’s an enhanced Milspec type. It comes with two hammer springs. A 4.5lb and a 5.5lb spring. This is the trigger you want for your battle rifle. It’s what the Milspec trigger should have been. It breaks cleanly, trigger pull is smooth and has none of the gritty feel of everyone else's triggers. There’s more detailed info at THIS LINK. Watch the video for the engineering behind it. The best part is you get the custom feel without the custom trigger price. $89 and you have something duty, defense, and even economical competition ready. I’ve put these in several customer rifles and everyone has been thrilled with the difference.

The 24 series has a lot going for it and four different models in it. I won’t cover all four because I haven’t shot with all four but will stick with the two I have experience with. I did take my deer this year with a 6.8 SPC II equipped with the 23E (rifle I built of a customer and had it out under his instructions). It was almost exotic. You really don’t expect a truly great rifle trigger in a semi-auto. This trigger breaks when you want it to and breaks like glass. It has half of the Milspec creep so you know when you’re up against the wall and when you’re ready to fire. I can’t say enough about this trigger other than I wish I could have kept the rifle.

I have the 243G going in my personal 6.8 SPC II rifle. (more on that to come) I’m really excited about trying out this trigger in a hunting rifle. This trigger has all the same features as the 24E above but has almost no creep. You still have the three trigger weight choices but with the ready to fire ease of a bolt action trigger. This rifle should be a deer/hog slayer when it’s finished and a lot of that has to do with having an exceptional trigger. I’m impressed enough with these triggers that I wanted to do something a little extra for this article. I actually sent some questions over to them and actually got their owner, and inventor of the Hyperfire trigger, in reply.

Here is our exchange: What is your background? Vet, engineer, gunsmith? “I have a Graduate degree in Mechanical Engineering. I’m a rocket scientist by training. R&D w/ fortune 500 company for 14 years: solid state fuzing, avionics, jet engine control, industrial controls, test equipment, forensics, etc. Engineering consulting firm owner for 14 years after that. HIPERFIRE since then, which is way more fun with much longer hours.” What need did you see, or what was lacking, that made you rethink the AR trigger? “I developed a large caliber, semi-auto rifle w/ a trigger weight of 10-12 lbs. to handle a large, powerful hammer. The idea realized in the HIPERFIRE 24 series triggers was an adaptation of what became the working fire control group for that large caliber rifle with a much lower, controllable weight. It never occurred to me then that it would become what it has in the AR version. The last group of investors I met with in Jan 2011 RE my large caliber design asked if the fire-control group they saw could be adapted for the AR. At that moment the light bulb went off in my head. I formed the LLC a week later and filed the 1st patent application. BTW, the investors did not invest. I took off the engineering hat and put on the business hat to begin making a new living.” Was the current Hiperfire your first design or have you worked through others? “No prior experience at all. My first attempt was successful. Everything I’ve done, I had never done before then and still today. I get bored with repetition. I must create. I take risks. Business was also new to me. I’m still learning stuff...” Can you explain the advantages of/ how your triggers work for the readers? “The 24 series hammer runs like a compound archery bow (not my original conceptual thought, but very apt and suggested by many once they have understood how the toggle spring system works). Unlike every other trigger out there, the 24 series exhibits the highest spring force when the hammer has fallen onto the firing pin. When the hammer is fully cocked, it exhibits the lowest hammer spring force. So, the hammer hits really hard (not only for reliable primer ignition, but for fast, consistent powder burn, consistently high muzzle energy, which translates into smaller group sizes compared to lower energy strikes) and making the pull weight low, adjustable, and controllable. When the hammer is fully cocked there is very little force on the sear (compared to every other design) and also on the BCG riding above it. Low force means low friction everywhere, especially the sear; low friction means low weight. This can also translate to less perceived creep depending on the sear engagement design, smoother, non-gritty, and much less wear over time. The EDT fire control groups don’t have the HIPERFIRE toggle spring system but do include the improved sear mechanical advantage, which by itself lowers trigger weight for the reason stated above. There’s much more, but you’ll have to wait for HIPERTECH videos to appear online this Summer as I don’t want to write an email book.” What differences make your triggers better than/separates you from your competition? “Customers have said in so many words that it is the best system out there for close-in, fast shooting, but excels at long range marksmanship challenges due to the very positive reset and controllable feel at any speed when pulling or letting off the trigger. Pulling the trigger says it all, the trigger finger can tell no lie. The triggers are different largely by the amount of creep, or lack thereof, and adjustable weight setting. Read any review at or the feedback. The response is universal and repetitive.” Do you have anything new on the horizon? Yes, game changers like the trigger. Will only announce as the products are available for purchase. Will release no product w/o the 20-year monopoly that only a U.S. patent can provide. In my experience, his replies are no exaggeration. The toggle springs do indeed keep the friction on the sear low. For that, you get a lighter consistent pull every time. I will even go as far as to say that the Hiperfire destroys CMC and JP Ent triggers. I use to promote the JP trigger for all the precision rifles I built. After getting to know the Hiperfire I can no longer do so. I may be able to adjust a JP to be ridiculously light and crisp but the design works against you. With the Hiperfire, I can assemble it quickly and know that I will have a more consistent, better feeling trigger without any hassle. But don't take my word for it. Try Hiperfire triggers for yourself.

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