Odin Works Adjustable Gas Block
Okay, it’s time for a completely unsolicited review. I’ve written about Odin Works handguards before. Now it’s time for something else from them. An important part of any rifle built for suppressor use is an adjustable gas block. There are many on the market but some I like better than others. My favorite, at the moment, is the new one from Odin Works. They made it adjustable from the front. It’s an issue I have with some of the other gas blocks. With other gas blocks, you have to count on the slots of the handguard matching up so you can use it. The Odin Works model does have the set screw on the side but adjusts in front so you can easily tune it in for your suppressor or just a new handload.

I also really like their outward design. It’s completely flat across the top. This makes it line up with your flat top upper. There’s no way to have it tilted when installing it.
The last thing I’ll tell you about the Odin Works adjustable gas block is the price. Most adjustable gas blocks cost around $100. The O.W. gas block, just $89. So, it's a great and affordable addition your next build. So, go get one.