Lube Your Gun Like A Pro
Lubrication is just as essential to the proper function of your firearms as ammunition. The analogy goes further than that. Poor quality lubrication is the same as having crappy ammunition. You know... That stuff that is so underpowered that your action short strokes. Same thing with underpowered lubrication. Yeah, good oil makes the gun continue to go pew, pew, pew. But what does that actually mean? All machines have friction. Too much of it and it stops running. Think of it this way, you wouldn't put the cheapest oil in Walmart in your new Lamborghini so why put junk lube in your STI, or even Block for that matter? Friction means that you have two surfaces trying to see which one will wear out first. Problem is, we don't want either one to wear out. Wearing out translates to more than just one thing being wrong. It can mean that it throws off the timing of the entire gun which means expensive repair costs that could have been avoided. I know many of you are long time readers but we have a growing number of readers unfamiliar with our history. That also means being unfamiliar with Slipstream and that's an absolute shame. Slipstream was born out of frustration with what was on the market. Nothing lasted as long we wanted it too. Under high heat oil breaks down and ceases to function as a lubricant. Not much longer than that it cooks off. But it's that time span between breakdown and burn off that we need to be concerned about. During that time, your gun is suffering increased wear and tear. Essentially you're slowly breaking the gun.

Slipstream employs a two-part system to combat that problem. Slipstream starts off with a high-grade synthetic gun oil. Why synthetic? Because it has properties the new biodegradable oils will never have. Synthetics are known for floating dirt and debris away from the surface of the metals it is applied to. That means your gun stays cleaner, longer. What that does for you is keep things flowing away from friction points that increase drag. Drag is more friction, more friction is more wear and tear. The second part is a dry component and is the true lubricant of the system. This addition ensures that even after the carrier oil burns off that your gun remains fully lubricated. Image being able to clean and lube your pistol the night before a course and not having to reapply oil at all and not have to worry about malfunctions due to lubrication failure. That is what Slipstream offers. Slipstream is reliability in a bottle. Reliability is peace of mind. But don’t take my word for it. Take a look at what customers are saying about it.:
We The Armed, forum. Absolute BS Blog. Monster Hunter Nation, blog. Trident Arms review. Mad Ogre, blog. KCT, blog. My Gun Culture, blog. I could keep going but I think you get the point. Visit our store and pick up a bottle of confidence in your weapon today.