Biodegradable Maintenance
Let’s talk turkey about cleaners and oils. I'm not a chemist but I know a few things and common sense tells me the rest. We have this new...

Lets Talk Training
How important is training? It is very important. Training is the key to your group, It keeps everyone on the same page. With training,...

Modern Spartan Cleaners
A couple weeks ago I received some cleaning and lubrication products to try out from Modern Spartan System. There are so many products on...

Beretta 92S
Beretta has over the years made several improvements to the 92 series pistols. The 92S was one of the early models, The original version...

Are you really Prepared? BUG OUT!!!!!!!
It's Wednesday afternoon, riots have erupted in the streets. Shots fired, You are no longer safe to stay in place. What do you do? Where...

Adams...Get One
I have to give a shout out to Adams Holsters again. I was at a church celebration over the weekend and carried my Glock in their...

Alien Dock.
If you’re thinking that this isn’t the first time you’ve seen something about the Cloak Mod, by Alien Gear, here you would be correct....

Announcement From Alien Gear
The following is an email announcement I received. I have quoted it word for word to give them their due credit for it. I also have one...