Our gunsmithing services are second to none. What you see below is only a taste of what we can do. We can work on all firearm types, new and old. More services will be listed below as time goes by and if you don't see what you're looking for send us a message. Typically it will be something we can do but haven't listed it yet.
The Basics
Per Hour (If Needed)..........
Clean and Inspect .............
Trigger Job (All types)........
Stuck Casing .....................
Stuck Live Round ..............
Test Fire (includes ammo)..
Install Pistol Sights ............
Polish feed Ramp ..............
AR15 Work
Change Flash Hider ...........
Change Gas Block .............
Install Handguard ...............
Install Grip ..........................
Rifle to Carbine Stock ........
Swap Barrel .......................
Instal/Set Trigger ...............
AR15 Work Cont.
Install 2 Stage Trigger .........
Build Upper .........................
Build Lower .........................
Full Custom Build ................
All pricing is labor only and does not reflect the cost of parts.