M.O.L.L.E. Awesomeness
So, where does Tacticool become practical? Where does the Mall Ninja become a freaking genius? So, what’s with the stupid questions? I...

Getting a Grip
There are so many options out in the gun world for grips. I can honestly say that I think I've tried almost all of them. Well ok, not the...

Relentless Carry
So you have decided to get your concealed carry permit. Regardless of your reason for doing so, you know you are going to need a few...

Legendary Gear
The legend of the Bigfoot continues....just not as a big hairy dude. Well...I guess that depends on your beard...but that’s another...

Strike Eagle
I have a great scope for the second installment of our High Powered, Low Magnification Series. Vortex makes some incredible scopes. The...

High Powered, Low Magnification Optics
I've been researching low power rifle scopes for some time. Here in south Texas we have a bit of a hog problem. One that grows every year...

Carry Your Mags Right
We all know Concealment Solutions does some great work. They have some new mag carriers out that are amazing. Before we get started...no...

Concealment Solutions
I'd like to introduce you to Concealment Solutions. I've actually known of this small Utah company for several years. We go back to when...