Getting a Grip

There are so many options out in the gun world for grips. I can honestly say that I think I've tried almost all of them. Well ok, not the custom grips but I have tried Hogue, Pachmyer, and several other brands. I had not yet tried VZ grips until I worked at Beretta USA. I had the fortunate opportunity to try them on a 92FS one day when a product manager brought them in. I was highly impressed as it made the large grip on the 92FS feel just a little smaller. I personally found it was a lot more comfortable than the factory plastic grips. The Hogue rubber grips which I feel are great on 1911 pistols are just a little to big for the grip on the Beretta. This year at Shot Show I had the chance to look at all the options VZ offers. I found some of them to be a little too aggressive and some not aggressive enough. I finally decided on a style that I liked and that fit me. So I picked a setup. The day they arrived was like Christmas all over again. I couldn't wait to put them on and see how they felt. I installed them on my Beretta M9 (same frame as the 92FS ) and was thrilled with the fit. I didn't have to adjust anything to get them properly fit. There was a set of rubber washers in the package to protect the grip from the screws. (great idea there). The Grips were just as comfortable as I remembered. It took me a week or so to be able to get out and shoot the gun with the grips. My biggest fear was that the stippling would be too aggressive and would tear my hands up. Nope, Not even an issue. I was able to get a proper grip and maintain that grip over an hour of drills and practice. While I was testing these grips I also found that the sweaty palm syndrome was not even an issue for me. Now I can't say they are right for every gun or every shooter, However for me and my M9 it was a perfect fit. VZ grips have been around for quite some time, and they have many options for grips, I purchased the Tactical Slant model which is a medium texture. They have several other textures and a wide range of colors. The durability of the Materials they use is awesome. I carry my M9 daily and have not scratched the grips or
dented them.

VZ also offers M-lock attachments for your AR forend and grips for you Knife as will. (Not all make and models available. If you get the chance and are looking for a set of grips for your handgun or your AR rifle. I would suggest checking them out. The grips are a little pricey but you do get what you pay for.
There you have it straight from the gunsmith's mouth