M.O.L.L.E. Awesomeness
So, where does Tacticool become practical? Where does the Mall Ninja become a freaking genius? So, what’s with the stupid questions? I have some gear here, sent to me by Kinetic Concepts Tactical. This is not mall ninja gear. KCT sent over some of their MOLLE-Link Gear for testing several months ago. Yes, this is technically considered tactical gear and I believe fits that role very well. I also find it very practical and able to do much more. First, let’s get the obvious out of the way. This set of gear attaches directly to any regulation M.O.L.L.E. webbing. Unlike some, it has four attachment spots giving it an extremely secure connection to your gear. The pistol stays incredibly secure. The fitting of the holster ensures, even under extreme conditions, that your pistol stays still and safe. Because of the multiple attachment points, there is no slop or flopping around on the webbing. This is an intensely rock solid system.

It doesn’t just stop at a holster. The mag carriers are equally impressive. They have the same multiple attachment points and is just as stable as the holster. KCT simply has the most rock solid attachment system for M.O.L.L.E gear I’ve ever seen. The thing that makes this gear set great is its versatility. If you have a purpose this gear can fill it. Plate carriers....done. Tac vest...heck yeah. Battle Belt...now you’re thinking. This gear set works fantastic on tactical gear but you add in a Battle Belt or patrol pack and a whole new world opens up. Do you hunt with an AR? Have your pistol where you need it and an extra mag for both weapons close at hand. Need a small, light “shit ‘n git” kit? Maybe a “get home” bag. KCT still has you covered. If you have a purpose and something with two rows of MOLLE webbing you can turn it into hunting or emergency gear. So, I really can’t recommend enough the MOLLE Gear from Kinetic Concepts Tactical. Quality is great and the price is right. It’s a win, win situation. So, why are you still here...go get some. I’ll even give you the link.