Lets Talk Training

How important is training? It is very important. Training is the key to your group, It keeps everyone on the same page. With training, you can determine skill levels, help those that need it, improve the ability of the group to perform as a team. However. You don’t just train on any old thing. Tacticool is not cool if that’s all you know. The best way to go about this is to start a training plan. Start looking at what everyone needs to learn and then go from there. There are essential skills needed How do you develop a training plan? Well, let me help you with that. I am working on a training plan for my group and am looking at what the group needs. First and foremost comes safety of everyone involved. Training must be done with safety in mind. Too many things can go wrong when you train so we start with the basics.

Firearms safety, If your group is going to use firearms you need to start here. Teach all those involved basic firearms safety, this is best done by an NRA instructor. They have all the current information and are familiar with training with firearms.
Marksmanship, Everyone in the group needs to learn marksmanship and needs to practice this at every turn. This includes drawing from a holster, carrying a firearm on a sling, shooting from barricaded positions, and many other options.
Firearms retention, This should be done with safe firearms such as blue guns which you can purchase at Brownell's. This should involve learning to keep a sidearm safe to retention of a long gun.
First Aid, Everyone should know how to administer first aid. This is vital as someone is always likely to get hurt while doing something. People are inherently accident prone as well as god forbid someone is wounded while defending the property. You must do this.
Shelter building. You should be able to build a shelter as needed, without shelter you will not survive. Shelter is one thing just like food and water, that you need to keep you from the elements
Fire building. Everyone needs to know how to make a fire if you don’t have modern ways to do so. Lighters run out of fluid, You need to know how to build a fire with a spark starter and even a friction bow. It can be done.

These are just a few of the ideas I am working on for my group, evaluate what you need to teach, practice all of them, Team building exercises are essential, You can work them into your training plan and make something happen. You need everyone in your group to follow the training plan and learn as you go. Rely on the skills of everyone in your team to help you be able to teach these things to the group. Everyone has some knowledge of something useful. Utilize your people. They will know they are appreciated.