Are you really Prepared? BUG OUT!!!!!!!
It's Wednesday afternoon, riots have erupted in the streets. Shots fired, You are no longer safe to stay in place. What do you do? Where do you go, How do you get there? Are you really prepared? We need to make a conscious effort to be prepared for that day. We have over the past little while seen an increase in violence across the country. It's only a matter of time before we may be approaching this scenario. The Most important thing about this scenario is that you need to. STAY CALM AND FOLLOW YOUR PLAN

We need to start by having a plan. The first part of the plan is Where are you going. I have a list of 2 places I can bug out too. Both places I have people ready to set up and defend. You should know where your safe place is and as much about that place as you can. Take the time to inspect the area. Find several ways to get there and drive those routes regularly. Your bug out location is just as important as your home. You need to plan out who is going to join you there, what their roles will be. As soon as you arrive you are going to need to be on security. Set up your perimeter. Put your people in position as soon as they arrive. You also need a place to store things, sleeping quarters, cooking facilities and relief locations. I will be going over shelter options for those not going to a built structure in a post soon. If you are going to a house out away from everything, you should set it up with proper food storage, water collection, and ammunition/ weapon storage.

Now that you have your location, you need to plan out how you are going to get there. I'm not talking about the route you take. I am talking about the vehicle you are going to use to get there. I have a truck ready to go at a moments notice, a full tank of fuel and room to carry my essentials. And most of all my family. You should know exactly what you are going to take with you and be able to haul it there. You should make sure that it will all fit in the vehicle. This is a very important trip. Plan it out carefully. Anything you leave behind will probably be gone when or if you come back. If you have to bug out you will more than likely have no more than 30 min to pack it all and get moving. Now as I said before in our get home posts, you need to develop situational awareness. You also want to be as inconspicuous as possible when leaving. Be out of sight. You don't want people following you or knowing where you are going. Be aware of anything out of the ordinary while on route. (Again why you should travel your planned routes regularly). When you hit a crisis mode that requires you bug out, There is no other option and you need to be on full alert. You also need to remember to STAY CALM AND FOLLOW YOUR PLAN This is the point where all of your training and preparation will only work for you if you have done it correctly. I can lead you to the information and help educate you. You need to put this plan together. You need to learn to follow the plan you create and you and only you need to prepare yourself to deal with a Bug out. We each have to prepare ourselves. We each need to know what it will take to make it happen.
There you have it. Straight from the gunsmith's mouth