Slipstream on an AR
Man, these are some of the old original Gundoc videos. This on is Slipstreaming your AR. Take a look. #ar15 #gunmaintenance #slipstream...

Cleaning Tools
This is an oldie but a goodie. #guncleaning #gunmaintenance

Slipstream/Glock Video
First let me say that yes, I am aware that this is too much lubrication for a pistol. There is absolutely such a thing as over...

Strike Industries U.D.C.
I just installed one of these on a customer's rifle last night and had to tell you about the Strike Industries Ultimate Dust Cover. *For...

Colossal Concealed Carry
Colossal is a perfect way to put it. The Colossal Concealed Carry Belt is a beast. This 14 ounce, 1 3/4 inch belt is perfect for your...

Triggers Everywhere
Everywhere you look someone has a new and improved trigger system for firearms. Be it your AR platform rifles, pistols, or bolt guns. I...

Dirty Bore Gun Cleaner
Cleaners...they’re a must have but what do we use? Many stick to the “old standby’s”. I’ve heard a lot of, “they issued it to me in the...

STI...Must Know
STI is one of those firearm companies that you simply must know about and I’m about to tell you why. STI makes some of the best 1911...