High Powered, Low Magnification Optics
I've been researching low power rifle scopes for some time. Here in south Texas we have a bit of a hog problem. One that grows every year...

If your ammo is mediocre at best...don't advertise it like it's the choice of badasses.

Boyd's Gunstocks
There are a lot of people out there that say “ you get what you pay for, buy something cheap and that’s what you get”. This is one case I...

I recently had the opportunity to install a Wilson combat barrel in a customer’s 1911. This barrel proves to be quite a task for...

Carry Your Mags Right
We all know Concealment Solutions does some great work. They have some new mag carriers out that are amazing. Before we get started...no...

Spider For Your Slide
Last year I ran into a dilemma no shooter wants to come across. Being a Gunsmith everything I do depends on my grip. Screw drivers,...

Sins of Prometheus
As you know we’ve added books to the site. It’s something near and dear to me specifically and I’m very picky about the books I will...

Montana X-treme Cleaning Kit
For some cleaning is a necessary evil. For the rest of us, it’s the time we take to really get to know that metal extension of ourselves....