HFD2 5.56 Comp

We recently received a Blue Collar Compensator from Home Front Defense Devices. I figured it was worth a try to see what it could do. When I received the device it was in an envelope with a card and a crush washer. I took my standard bird cage off and installed the new brake. We always wonder about the products as far as cost vs quality. This one was a total surprise. I didn’t expect much since I own a BattleComp, which I love. The BattleComp is known to keep the muzzle down during rapid fire and even automatic as they show in their videos. This Compensator works in a similar manner with similar effect. When looking at a muzzle brake I am looking for a couple of things. The first of which is the ability for it to keep the muzzle of the gun
steady. I want a brake that makes the next shot faster, smoother, and easier to acquire. The second is muzzle blast management. Muzzle blast is a big issue. A lot of muzzle brakes send the blast back at the shooter. I want that distraction gone. With the crush washer, this muzzle brake installed with no trouble at all and I was
able to time it correctly with no problems. Once installed I did a brief evaluation of how the brake was set up. It has two larger ports on each side to the rear catching the first blast out of the muzzle. Towards the front of the brake, there are a series of smaller ports. Four ports on the left side and five ports on the right. This design is to direct the upward blast in the direction of the muzzle rise. Most AR platform rifles have a muzzle rise upward and to the right. The 5 ports are intended to keep that rise from occurring. The tip of the brake has a six-spire breacher style front that would allow you to fire the rifle up against a door. The brake is made of 1144 Stress proof steel, which is a cold rolled high tensile carbon steel. It has a Manganese Phosphate, Parkerized, finish which looks a little off-putting but is solid. It is not a finish I would have used however it does work

well to keep powder blast off. I took the firearm out to test fire with this new muzzle brake installed. I was highly impressed. I noticed that it kept the muzzle blast down right away. There was also no noticeable muzzle rise. This allowed me to easily keep on target for follow up shots. My secondary shots consistently were in the same location during rapid fire. There was no blast back of powder or gas towards my face either. Though this muzzle brake looks rough, it performs like a high end, good quality muzzle brake. At $46.75 it is affordable for anyone wanting a muzzle brake that will help you with follow up shots and muzzle control. It is available in the 5.56/.223 1/2x28 thread, .308 5/8x24 thread, and .308 14x1 left-hand metric thread. You can pick one up at HFD2.COM There you have it, Straight from the gunsmith's mouth