The one question I hear the most. "so does it kick much?" Or " How bad is the kick?"

Most people when they buy a rifle, are looking for something to hunt with, or to practice long range shooting or even home defense. The purpose is not really the question when it comes to caliber and "felt recoil". Some calibers have nothing that you will really notice. Some have significant recoil. People are constantly looking to tame that recoil so they can comfortably shoot their rifle or shotgun. As a gunsmith, I am always on the lookout for a better product to help my customers. This year while at Shot Show, I spent some time at the Kick-EEZ booth. They have a lot of products and for what they are, they seem to be pretty good. Boy was I surprised. After returning from the show, I had several customers bring me their guns asking
me to put on a good recoil pad. So having the conversations fresh from Shot Show, I called them up to set up my dealer account. I really wanted to give them a try. I have never in my 20 years of gunsmithing dealt with a better company. The man that answered the phone was an older gentleman, He was very polite and professional. I explained to him what I needed as far as measurement's and he advised me that what I really needed was the grind to fit recoil pad in a large. He told me there were 3 sizes but from the measurements I gave him the large would be the best. I gave him my company information and he set up the account. Mind you this was 4:30 pm on a Friday. He took my order and confirmed all the information. About 15 minutes later he called me to let me know he was going to ship the order that evening.
Tuesday morning (we are closed on Monday) I came in and the first delivery of the day was the pads I had ordered. The gentleman called me to make sure that I received the order and that everything was correct. WOW. These people really care about their customers. I told him all was good and I proceeded to the first recoil pad fitting. Normally once I lay out how much I need to grind off, I start looking for the metal plate inside the pad. There was none. These pads are molded right to the base which is solid Polymer with no metal inner plate. So I called and asked, as I did not want to waste a pad. He advised me that there is a small metal base around the screw holes but nothing else. I proceeded to grind it down using 120 grit sanding wheel on a power sander. The material moved quickly and I was able to get to my pre-fit dimensions fairly fast. I then switched to a 240 grit pad and adjusted to my final dimensions. The sanding did not melt the material and gave me a smooth finish. I proceeded to final fitting on the gun itself, usually done with a file and hand sanding. Overall my fit time was a fraction of normal fitting and the finish was excellent. I did some further research after finishing the 3 jobs I had for that day (all recoil pads) These pads are made of a Sorbothane material and not rubber. They are extremely absorbent and very easy to fit. This saves time. They also look good on the guns. I will say that from now on I will consider using a Kick-EEZ pad before any other brand. The cost is not expensive and they are long lasting as well. I have since put 4 of their pads on my own personal guns and will use them as a regular in my shop.
Now you have it, Straight from the gunsmith's mouth