SHTF: Rural Defense
We could write volumes on this subject and that wouldn't be a bad idea. That would have to be done on a situation by situation basis....
SHTF, Defense in the City
Defense situations in the city, when it all hits the proverbial fan, is a difficult subject. I don't want to say that those of us in the...
SHTF Weapons
Yes, I know the first thought from just reading the title of this post, "could there be a more broad topic?" You would be absolutely...
Para USA
The looming death of Para USA marks a sad moment in the Firearms industry for me. You see, I never really liked Para Ordinance, and when...

Kydex, Innovation, and Pushing the Line Forward Part II
Before we go too far into the production process, it’s important that we have the right tools for the job. If you’re approaching Kydex...
Simplicity in Motion
Sometimes the easiest things in life are the simplest. Simple is good. Simple enough? Good. Let us break down what simple is and how...
Part 1: How to Identify Criminal Alert Signals; Two Types of Morality
I admit, it’s hard to find a place to start at first, trying figuring out what to share from the security industry. Security itself is a...

Diamondhead Polymer Flip Up Sights
I was recently given as set of flip up sights to reveiw from Diamondhead USA. They have a few models but I was given the Polymer, Diamond...