September 11, 2001

A day that sticks in our hearts and minds forever. For America, that day was the day we stood together. On Sept. 11th I was an employee at Dulles Airport, I was a supervisor of fueling in the tower for Atlantic Coast Airlines. I watched American Airlines Flight 77 take off. It was a normal day. We had no news or TV’s in the tower so we were not aware of what was going on when the planes hit the Twin Towers. I heard the call from the FAA to put every plane on the ground. I experienced the aftermath at the airport. I knew people on that flight. I was interviewed by the FBI, That day was hell on earth. Today, 15 years later we are facing all kinds of attacks around the world. We have seen Terror in the United States Since then. Not to the degree of Sept 11th but still American lives have been lost. We are no longer a country that lives without the fear of the worst. On this day September 11, 2016, I ask all of you. Yes All of The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to do as we did 15 years ago. Stand together as one. Regardless of your political views, Regardless of your religious views. STAND TOGETHER as ONE NATION UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE! Today we remember all that lost their lives, All that gave their all for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. ALL THAT HAVE GIVEN THEIR ALL since then. Let’s show the people that wish to do us harm that we are a Nation of PROUD AMERICANS and we will fight back.