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Currently On The Bench...part 2

So, I promised you an update after the Slipstream treatment on that customer Glock (here's part 1). This is something that has seen comments going both directions. Some didn’t appreciate me being critical of the pricing of others work. To those I wanted to say, “just wait for part 2” ,but just kept my mouth shut. Before I get to the pictures there are a few things I want to say about this project. Yes, the customer could have saved a few dollars here and there but that isn’t what really matters. What matters is that he did his own research and found merit in each shop that worked on his firearm. He made his choice as to what shops would take the best care of his pistol and his project. What matters is that he is getting the pistol he always wanted out of this and I’m proud to have our Slipstream treatments as part of that process.

As you’ll see from the pictures the process creates a bonded film that is only microns thick. The particles are so small that they can fit into the tiny holes in the crystalline structure of the metal it’s applied to. Once the gun is heated up through firing it the friction of the cycle of operation packs those particles tighter into that crystalline structure. After it cools the particles are trapped and you have permanent lubricant as part of your gun. Anyway, I want to thank the customer for allowing us to not only work on his pistol but to write these articles about the project. If you’d like to get a Slipstream treatment of your own you can get a hold of us on our contact page. It will directly email Gundoc.

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