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Happy 4th of July

I really wanted to write something profound for today. Something that truly makes everyone proud to be American. I’ve tried a few directions and just come up with nothing that I really feel is right. I’m not sure why. Americans on the first 4th of July had enough. They were tired of being governed by a narcissistic pile of bile across the Atlantic Ocean. All of them? No, America was divided. Many were happy being British subjects but wanted more fair treatment. The leaders of the Revolution knew that no better treatment would come while being ruled over by a tyrant. Today, if possible, we are even more fractures. People are more than willing to give up their freedoms for public welfare. They see a tragedy and focus not on bringing those responsible to justice but on the tools used. It makes absolutely no sense but yet they buy into this notion with full intent and purpose. Common sense is dead to many in America yet for others they cling to it for dear life. For these people, the Constitution and Bill of Rights are still divinely inspired documents. These people hold the founding of our country as a God-given blessing. Nothing...NOTHING...can break that belief because it’s bound directly to their faith. The Fourth of July takes on a solemn tone. It is a celebration of God’s gifts. It’s a day to send fireworks into the heavens order to give thanks to the true founder of our country. Chances are that if you’re reading this that you, like me, proudly hail from this second group of Americans. Even our President tells us we are wrong to feel this way about our country. You know what? I don’t care what he or any other thinks about it. THIS IS OUR DAY. This is the day we cheer for our nation. This is the day for us to celebrate the founding of the greatest nation to ever be created by the hand of man through the direction of God. A nation created to allow freedom. A nation to give the world freedom of speech, worship, freedom from persecution, and the ability to throw down anyone that would take it from us. The United States of America is more than just a country to us. It’s a symbol of pride and it’s a symbol of the Divine. Its founding is something to truly celebrate. So, send up your fireworks, give thanks for your freedom, eat something off the grill, and have a great Fourth of July. You’re an American, damn it!

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