Grieve with San Antonio
Today I heard of a tragedy that occurred last night. It was all over local talk radio like a plague. This is a tragedy on two fronts. Death is always destructive to a family. The death of a teenager because of sheer stupidity is horrific but that's just one side of this coin. In the industry, we talk all the time about teaching out kids young. Today we see what happens when that doesn't happen. Last night there was a High School party at a local teen's house. A nineteen year old boy thought it would be hilarious to bring his father's pistol to the party. He was showing it off to his friends. He then thought it would be a good joke to point it at a 14yr old girl's head. He pulled the trigger and that pistol fired...the boy ran. All bystanders gave the name of the boy. He was apprehended within hours today. The boy claimed that he didn't know the gun was loaded. People, please teach your children. It isn't just for their safety but for the safety of everyone around them. Teach them that a firearm isn't something to be flaunted around like a shiny new toy. Please...teach them to respect what a weapon can do so they will never point one at a friend in jest. Above all teach them to respect life so they will never want to point a firearm unless their life is in immediate danger. Just teach them... Today a San Antonio family grieves the loss of their daughter. A community

grieves the loss of a friend. We as a firearms community sit in horror not because we're worried about media backlash but because this happened to someone's little girl in our backyard. Sure tomorrow there may be backlash but for today we grieve with our Texas brethren. Our thoughts and prayers go out to both families. Both are "losing" a child. One to the grave and one to prison bars. So, please join us in your grieving with them.