Screw It
Some tools are essential to a project’s success. Some tools simply make every job easier. Screw drivers are a must have for gun work. Having the proper set is essential. You can’t just use any driver from the hardware store on firearms. The blades are shaped differently from the screws used on guns. Most screw heads are wedge shaped. Those used on guns have complete right angles...completely square. So a wedge shaped screw driver will wreck the heads of firearm screws. So you need a special kind of driver head and Brownells has just what you need. Now, you can buy complete sets from them but that isn’t what I wanted to concentrate on today. There’s a specific item that...sure you can do alright without...but it makes everything so much easier.

I’m talking about the Magna-Tip magnetic Law Enforcement Handle. Any handle that comes in the set you can get by with but this simply the one you need. It’s the length of it that makes the difference. You have so much more control when you’re closer to your work. Torque is more controlled. Everything you do is more precise. Do you need to mount a new scope or optic? This is the handle you want to use. Need to put on a new set of grips? This is the right way to go about it. It's one of the best $15 purchases you'll add to your kit.