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Make It Safe

One of the least modifiable parts on your AR build is the safety selector. A lot of builds go with the standard safety that comes in your lower parts kit. Well, this is no longer true. I build hundreds of AR rifles every year for customers. The safety is the one item most people don't look to change, they figure the standard safety is fine. Well, I have found that there are other options out there. One of my favorites is the short throw ambi-safety by Noveske. The short throw safety allows you the ability to quickly disengage the safety or engage it with a slight movement of the thumb. instead of the 90-degree movement, this safety moves only 60 degrees. This safety has several things going for it other than the short throw. First of all the levers are ambidextrous so you can turn your safety on or off from both sides of the gun. Also, the levers themselves are large enough for you easily flip the safety on or off. Oh yeah, the safety levers themselves are made by Magpul, using the SSG design that is on the FN Scar. It is also very easy to install. I was able to change mine out without taking the trigger out. It has set screws to hold on the levers on each side and once it's in place it's solid. The price point being only $40 it is an inexpensive addition to your AR build that you will not regret.

So there you have it Straight from the Gunsmith's mouth

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