Gundoc's Thoughts On Orlando Massacre

A lot is going around about the latest mass murder event in Orlando. I know I'm coming in late to the game but we here at Gundoc's still have jobs and families to care for. We realize that we aren't going to get any kind of scoop here. I also fully admit that we have tried to keep out of the politics area of the firearm industry. The politics and opinion area of the blogosphere is a bit full and we aren't trying to get in on their turf. This is hopefully a one-time thing. First, let me say that our hearts go out to the families of the victims of this atrocity. This was truly a senseless act of hatred carried out by a zealot of the worst kind. We stand with you in your time of mourning. This is nothing more than another Ringling Bros of Washington D.C. event. Only there are no elephants and acrobats doing tricks but there are plenty of clowns lead by a douchey Ring Master who has the audacity to sit behind the People's desk. It's all a joke to them. They run around in front of every camera they can find just to seem relevant to the stupid among us. We have seen the hatred of cowards championed by the left. We couldn't possibly call the enemy by name. We couldn't possibly say something that might offend someone that wants us dead. We couldn't possibly give the enemy the finger or tell them exactly how we're going to send them to Hell. So all we have left is the cowardice of the hippie left covering for the actions of some emotional toddlers that can't handle a few gays. Let's not bring up the male on male pedophilia of the Middle Eastern societies. Who's the gay ones now? Gun control...they're all preaching to us about it. The only gun control I subscribe to is using both hands. This is nothing more than a political tactic. It's a smoke screen. They don't give a flying crap about guns or the people murdered by them. They only care about having a citizenry that can't say no to being controlled. If I seem pissed...I am. Like you, I'm sick of being demonized because I stand for something wholesome. Something that keeps us living as free men. Choices that protect our families, our communities, and even the useless hypocrites that run our country. All, while they leave men to die, accuse organizations of murder who's members, have never committed such crimes, and cover up the indiscretions of their people. All actions that the rest of us would see the inside of a prison cell for. Gun Control isn't new. Any time in history a monarch wanted to exert control over his people he took away their ability to defend against tyranny. Only a certain class of people were allowed to be armed. It's all happened before. It's happened over and over again. Every time it has had the same outcome. It's that very outcome that the so-called left is trying to exude on us now. Make no mistake...they don't care about the fallen of the Orlando massacre. They only care that they can use it as a tool to get what they want. They revel in the blood-soaked ground and form a "mosh pit" on graves as families mourn their dead. It's shameful and repulsive. It's time to have the testicular fortitude to look our enemy in the eye and name them. What do they all have in common? What beliefs do they subscribe to that lead them to murder? What are the signs that can lead us to identify them? What do they call themselves? Only then can we keep the enemy from walking into a crowd and slaughtering our people. The tool used doesn't matter. Gun, knife, or freaking spoon it doesn't make those people any less dead. It doesn't console their families or dry the tears of the people that loved them. Blaming the tool for the choices of the person using it is beyond ridiculous. No rational thinking person can see any logic in claiming otherwise.