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Good Reads for Gun Guys

There's a lot books out there written by people that have never picked up a gun. Somehow those are always the ones that get made into movies. Movies that we pick apart and never truly enjoy. The books written by people with a firearms background can be hard to find and the last thing we want is to have "literary buyer's remorse". You know...when we throw a book down after someone gets shot by a 9mm and goes flying backwards...yeah.

I have an answer for you. I spend a lot of my time in the shop listening to books on audible and I've found some great books written by actual Gunnies. Soldiers...trainers...competitors. Guys that know that capabilities of real firearms as well as tactics.

There will also be some educational books added. Some from Amazon...some from Brownells. All of them will be helpful as most can be found in my personal library.

Anyway, please use the links provided to purchase these books. A 4% commission isn’t much but it will help keep Gundoc’s site live. Thanks much.

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