DeSantis Disaster

Here’s one I saw in Concealed Carry Magazine. The DeSantis Pocket Shot. To start with, I have never been terribly impressed with DeSantis. This is nothing different.
Having a quality pocket holster is a necessity for those carrying inside any pocket. It both protects the gun from other things that may be in your pocket and protects you from a negligent discharge. The DeSantis Pocket Shot does neither of those.
The Pocket Shot leaves the slide exposed. Okay, it’s not as big a problem...just don’t throw your keys in that pocket and you won’t scratch up the finish. win that one. Just remember that a holster also makes a perspiration barrier.
The true 800lb gorilla in the room is the gaping hole in the center. Yeah, the one that leaves the trigger exposed. You forget about it and leave a chapstick in that pocket and you could find out what a .380acp round feels like when it rips through your leg. Okay, once again just don’t put anything in that pocket. Once again, that also encompasses the one thoughtless hand that falls into that pocket at the wrong moment.

My point here is that sure, there are ways to make sure you carry this thing safely. Kind of like carrying a baby Diamondback in your pocket. Yeah, it didn’t bite you today but it only takes that one careless action at a crowded party or on that date that has you completely distracted and the snake bites. This is a holster that isn’t worth the risk. You have to carry with the trigger protected from accidental discharges.
This is a holster that I simply cannot recommend.