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Bungee Holster???

For just a moment stop and imagine the least amount of material it would take to make a quality holster. Something that you would be proud to announce to the world and have your name...your face attached to it. What did that image look like? Something akin to the competition speed holsters you see on the pros? Maybe something so completely revolutionary that you had to stop reading this to write it down or make a sketch? This is not one of those. Not in any way, shape, or form is this close to acceptable. Behold, the stupidity that is the Bungie Holster. My daughters have something just like it for their hair. I’m not sure whether I should put it on my gun or make a ponytail out of it. There are some stupid things on the market but this takes the cake.

Let’s take a look at what a holster is intended to do: A good holster protects the finish of your firearm from scratches. You can expect some holster wear after quite a while but that is the nature of the beast. The Bungie Holster leaves your $1000 STI out with no more protection than your shirt. A good holster protects the trigger from anything that may snag on it, creating a negligent discharge. With the Bungie Holster, you just stuff it in your belt and hope for the best. This thing is an insult to the word holster but I’m going to keep using it until you are just as tired of this thing being called a holster as I am. A good holster tucks the pistol close against your body so it’s profile is as hidden as possible. The Bungie Holster does nothing but entangles it to your belt. There’s no rhyme or reason to this thing. In fact, it does about as much good for concealing the pistol as abortions do for infant health. A good holster allows you to carry in a "ready to rock" state. They actually tell you that this is not to be used with a round in the chamber. I'm sorry but this is an open admission that this is an unsafe piece or equipment. A good holster gives you peace of mind knowing that it is able to do its job. It takes care of your pistol. It keeps you from printing like an amateur. It’s a companion. The Bungie Holster does nothing for you. Will it break? They say it won’t but will it fail you at the wrong time? Will it somehow tangle not allowing you access to your firearm when seconds count? You simply can’t know the answers to any of those questions. If you have questions, if you have doubts, then you can’t have trust in your rescue equipment. Ladies and gentlemen (I use that last term loosely) I submit to you that this is more than a mere joke being played on the concealed carry market. They are actually serious about this thing. That tells me all I need to know about the Bungie Holster. This is a gag gift I would send to Mad Ogre just to hear him swear about it. He’d cuss me for years for doing that to him and then we’d all laugh and toss back a Mountain Dew. But seriously...don’t give these guys your hard earned money. If you’re in that desperate a need for bad jokes send me your money and I’ll send you a joke you can tell your buddies and not be shown someone’s pimp hand.

So that's it. CARRY ON...just not with this thing.

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