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Different Take On Keanu Video

It seems like everyone is talking about the Keanu Reaves 3 gun video. I wasn't planning on doing anything more that hitting the share button because it's cool, right? I understand why but everyone is treating it like they're watching God of the gun tear up the range. Giving him full credit, what Reaves is able to do on the range is phenomenal. It really is but I don't think it's as big a deal as people are making it. The fact of the matter is, he isn't doing anything that someone with the resources to hire personal trainers and a pallet of ammo couldn't do. Sure there’s a lot to say for raw talent. I know a couple of guys in local IDPA that shoot that well on their own dime and unimpeded talent. So, here’s what makes this good shooting so incredible. Seeing something like this makes him look like one of our own. He’s a gun guy and we grasp ahold of anyone in the limelight that may be on our side in the 2A degate. We fight with the Hollywood elites on the second amendment issue on a daily basis. We see these bastards complain about loose gun laws all while being entirely too willing to take our money on their latest action movie where they buy full autos from the trunk of a car. So we get one that is willing to not get political and just do their freaking job and we all shout for joy. We get a piece of righteous indignation rubbing videos like Reaves’ in social media’s face. All the hippie whiners complain and moan about seeing something “offensive” like that and then chalk it up to practicing for a movie. After all...after he’s done with the movie he goes back to a Hollywood leftie...right? He has the right even if no one else does because he’s an entertainer...not a murderous NRA member. So a little of our indignation is deflated because the left really doesn’t care about one of their own having guns. That’s why I don’t read as much into this. We cheer for our side while the hippies will never believe they are on our side. So we’re right back to square one. All that being said...freaking awesome shooting Keanu. Can’t wait for the movie.

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