What's Your Favorite Gun

It’s a simple enough question. Direct. To the point. Yet each and every one of us will have a completely different answer. The one thing we all have in common on this front is that we all have very specific reasons for that favorite. Some firearms become something more than tools of iron and wood...polymer and aluminum. They take on meaning that reaches past it’s years. We see it sitting there and it calls to us on a primal level that we can’t quite explain. Have things really changed through the centuries? Or are we, as men, the same as we have always been? Did our ancestors have their spear or favorite bow? Many of our favorites are attached to fallen parents. Were there Spartans or Legionnaires that felt more powerful with a weapon that was their fathers? Maybe a hunting rifle, passed down to you, that you can sense the many animals slain with it. The decades of full bellies because of the skill displayed with said rifle? Who among us doesn’t see a rifle at a war memorial...see the many scratches and dings and pause in deep reverence because of the stories that must behind them? Does that weapon carry with it a piece of the souls it tore from their owners? No matter how you look at it weapons have come in many forms throughout the eons of time but one thing will never change...our attachment to them. Those of us who carry and use them know this all too well. It’s not just the measure of its components. It is security. It is feeding your family. It is the defense of our country. There is also a big reason we give them a woman’s name. Having a good rifle is almost like having a good woman by our side. She is something of beauty. She is something to be faithful to. She is something to care for. Think about it for a moment...if you asked a man what the name of his carry gun was and he told you its name was Bob...you’d think it was gay (if I can get that point across without being called homophobic). Point being it’s just weird for a man to call a weapon he cares about by a male name. I know my AR15, Heather, would have a few things to say about it. (wait...she doesn’t really talk...she just goes pew, pew, pew...really...) My point is that we have our favorites for a reason. We actually care about them. We take care of them. They are a part of us.