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Odin Works .308 Handguards

Here's one you might not have heard of which means you're missing out on it. Odin Works has some great products (low profile gas blocks, AR15 keymod handguards, and the very cool tactical candle holder to name a few) but there's one in particular I want to zero on.

I have personally bugged Odin Works about doing a .308 handguard in the past. Let's face it...that's a corner of the market that hasn't gotten much attention. The guy on the phone said they take suggestions very seriously and I immediately dismissed it. Why, very few companies pay attention to their dealers, especially ones that aren't dropping five figures a month on them. Little guys are just too little to be taken seriously. So I didn't think much would come of it. Then I get an email. It was pretty standard except the part that said something like have you seen the .308 handguards we're working on?

“Holy Crap, seriously?”

I had to read it a couple of times. I knew I wasn’t the only one bugging them about this but they actually listened. That is a huge plus for Odin Works in my book and shows a high level of company integrity.


Knowing how much I like their 556 handguards I was excited to try one out. Well, I have one for a friend's rifle and I am really impressed. It's made of top quality aluminum and is very light. They stayed with their signature "key mod" system so there are almost limitless ways to customize it to suit your needs.

Some handguards out are so tight to the barrel that you wonder about burning yourself. The Odin handguard still has a slim profile but as you can see in the picture even a bull barrel has plenty of room for heat dissipation.

The Odin Works .308 handguard is a big win for SR-25 style rifles everywhere. If you are in the market I highly suggest you take a look at Odin Works.

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